Christina O'Connor- 6291; Chloe Mo-6273; Jack Pierce-1068;
Centre Number-14109

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


On Monday the 29th of October we went to the klinger Factory to start our filming. Once inside the factory we started to set up. Christina, Chloe and Jack scouted exactly what rooms we wanted to use and tested the lighting to make sure everything would go smoothly. They also filmed a few scenes of the characters interacting with eachother to show the relationships between the characters.

Whilst the other three were pinpointing locations and testing lighting I started on the make-up. I began by spreading black eyeliner across the face to make it look dirty and then I created the wounds and finished off by adding fake blood. Everything went smoothly except the wax on one wound fell off so i had to re-stick it down more firmly. We then dressed the actor in the lab coat and smeared some extra blood over it.

We then experimented with extra lighting as we came across a red flair which lit the whole room red. This lighting worked really well as it made the scene look more scary as we associate red with blood and danger. After this scene we taped a torch to the camera and filmed the scenes in the basement where it was pitch
black. We used extra torches where needed to add extra light.

Jack was incharge of most of the filming, however we did take in in turns to film scenes that we felt needed adjustments and all shared our ideas. After the basement scenes we filmed the scenes in the broad day light. These were mainly scenes showing the characters reactions to the strange happenings.

Overall the day went well, however one of our biggest mistakes was that we did not get enough footage. Some of the footage was not usable so we will have to go back and refilm some scenes.

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