Christina O'Connor- 6291; Chloe Mo-6273; Jack Pierce-1068;
Centre Number-14109

Monday 1 October 2012

Children of Men poster

Typography – “children of men” – spray painted on in bold font, white = pure but the typography being sprayed = relates to graffiti = crime and vandalism, also shows symbolic & political messages. Red = danger, emergency.
Genre – sci-fi, says: “set in the year 2027” i.e. in the future.
Tagline – “The year 2027: The last days of the human race, no child has been born for 18 years, he must protect our only hope” – capitalized words make it appear as one of the important features of the poster but small enough to make sure the audience look more into the poster.
Image – presume it’s the main character; glass shattered to look like a teardrop so it could show there’s a mix of action and not just a sad story of “there are no children left in the world”. Eye with foetus inside, clever as not only does it symbolise the sadness of infertility but could also show the hope/miracle of when someone is pregnant. 
Positioning of elements – here, the typography part is to the left whilst the picture is to the right, not everything in the centre which would make the audience look for more than half a second towards the poster.
Target Audience – not clear, set in year 2027 = could be for more of a young audience but social & political issues such as immigration and terrorism which could suit a more older audience. So a very wide range of target audience, 15-44 shows a good range of audience. 

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