Christina O'Connor- 6291; Chloe Mo-6273; Jack Pierce-1068;
Centre Number-14109

Sunday 4 November 2012

The Basics of Typography making

Here, I look at the basics of how to use typography effectively and what type of fonts would be best for our poster/website.

This font is mostly used for body copy in print documents as well as for body text and headlines online in news articles. There are a number of sub type fonts including Times New Roman. This is the most traditional type of font and wouldn't really link well with the message/theme of our trailer.

This font is a more modern version of serif created in the 18th century and tend to appear more in magazines and in some posters. They have a much plainer appearance compared to serif. This font was used in "The Pact" in bold and spaced apart and shows that you can use a very simple font like this and still make it look effective. You also see humanist fonts within this section and are the most popular when it comes to the body of a text paragraph in websites - this is because they're more calligraphic compared to other fonts and hence look more legible to read.

Scripts are based upon handwriting and are common for very elegant and elevated designs. They are unsuitable for a bulk of text and don't tend to be used in titles for posters as they are not the most legible font.

Display fonts tend to have the biggest amount of fonts available and also include the most variation. The main characteristic is that they're unsuitable for a bulk of text and are best used for headlines or other short pieces of text that needs attention drawn to it. They can show any type of mood which would be great for our film. This is the type of font we will use for our poster/website as the title & font would be one of the first points that the audience would look at and hence is really important to quickly show the mood of the film within a second.

The mood of a font is an important part of how it should be used. Commonly used moods include formal vs informal, modern vs classic/traditional and light vs dramatic. Some fonts have very distinct moods e.g. Times New Roman is always going to be a traditional font; hence why it's so commonly used for business. This is compared to other fonts which can convey almost any mood based on the content & other fonts they may be combined with.

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